350+ Courses Listed by CE Hours

How to Take a CE Course
  1. Make payment
    To make payment add Course(s) to Cart. Click Checkout. Please note- write down the order# to receive your certificate after testing
  2. Create an Account
    Your Account maintains a record of Courses Purchased, Order #s, and Certificates Issued. .
    a. When logging into Account, the Username is your Email address.
    b. Write down and retain your Password.
    c. Write down and retain the Order# provided after payment.
    The Order# is also available in your “Account Information."
  3. Read Course Content and take Test
  4. Get Certificate
    Once you have received a passing score, you will need to provide the Order# to verify payment. Your certificate is sent to the email address provided.
    (Note: Email filters may send your certificate to Spam or Trash folders.)
  5. You are able to view all Course Content at no charge. Note you will need to pay for course first if you want CE credits.
Courses Listed by: CE Code | Topic:

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You get EVERYTHING you need to receive a Continuing Education Certificate!
No added costs! No Books to Buy!

ASWB Logo Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB)
(Provider #1073)
NBCC, National Board for Certified Counselors
(ACEP #6102)
NAADAC, The Association for Addiction Professionals (Provider #679)
Approved & Accepted by State Licensure Boards

Email: info@mentalhealthce.com

Copyright © 2025 MentalHealthCE.com


Timing of Shipment of Orders:

Orders received before 10:00 AM E Monday are mailed via USPS that Monday from Florida.
Orders received after 10:00 AM E Monday will be mailed the following Monday from Florida.